
Closed Cell Foam

Closed cell spray foam offers incredible benefits and is a very versatile product. Having the highest R-value per inch (R-7.5) out of all insulation allows you to meet code even in a 2×4 wall cavity. It is very durable so it can be left exposed in applications such as crawl spaces, basements, or sheds, and it adds an incredible amount of strength to buildings. Closed cell spray foam is basically water proof (class 1 vapor retarder) which makes it a great product for below grade applications such as basements and crawl spaces or on exterior applications like foundations or drain planes on masonry buildings. You name it and it will most likely be a good fit.

● Eco-friendly
● Air tight
● Strong
● Clean
● Reduces allergens & dust
● Water resistant
● Class 1 vapor retarder
● Efficient
● Requires smaller HVAC equipment
● Cuts costs for heating and cooling as much as 50%
● Approved for use in healthcare facilities and schools
● Maintains peak performance
● Never deteriorates or decomposes
● Literally glues the building together